Posted by: nrm2010 | February 7, 2010

A new type of quiz!

A few months ago, Sridhar Joshi, Ranga Eunny and I (Bharath) decided that we had enough of the ‘normal’ quiz pattern and needed to refresh the format. I suspect Ranga was reading up on some children’s book, when he suggested that we should have a ‘treasure hunt’ using the exhibits at the NRM. After much toiling, figuring out clues and reading up on a lot of history, we have something that resembles one.

Here’s the sequence of events that will happen during the quiz

  • All attendees will be given a clue sheet containing a mix of questions, clues and other bits of trivia.
  • Then they need to go around the NRM, match the clues and write down the answers.
  • The winner will be the one to get the most clues right!

Exciting, isn’t it? 🙂

And as if this wasn’t enough, we have another quiz. This time a video one 🙂

Questions are all based on videos and participants will need to answer after watching the short films carefully.

And yes, for all the rest of you, we’ll reveal the video URL’s shortly, so that you can participate.

Many, many thanks to Mani Vijay for painstakingly putting together this quiz.


  1. Wow…………….thats treasure hunt and quiz in one.
    Now thats what I call innovative. Looking forward to know who the winner is going to be and also waiting to see the videos.

  2. Are the delegates now scrambling around the NRM campus in the cold ?
    Thats a good, morning workout.
    What is the time limit ?

  3. Are they back from the treasure hunt+quiz ?
    Also would it be possible for me to know what the questions are?

  4. Wow.. awesome! ANd yep, I second Randev.. plz share the clue sheet!

  5. Woohoo! Sounds fantastic…a treasure hunt, that too on the NRM campus!!! 🙂 🙂

    Do share the cluesheet and the solutions once the quiz is complete.

  6. Video quiz credits go to Vijay Mani all the way…I have seen the clues…spent a whole day with time tables and maps trying out the answers….somewhat tough but really really exciting…after all what is the point in an easy peasy quiz 🙂

  7. Ramdev, it was definitely not cold, in fact people were sweating running around the exhibits, though the few intrepid ones who wanted to show off their winterwear, did have them on.

    Ranga, Vijay definitely deserves full credit for this innovative video quiz, and so do you and Sridhar for the Treasure Hunt. Lucky you, you had the full day to find out the answers, we had less than a minute, and that too without any TTs or maps.

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